I have a huge collection of shoes that takes up almost all my spare storage space. I do not want to throw away any - how can I maximise storage space?

t I have a huge collection of shoes that takes up almost all my spare storage space. I do not want to throw away any - how can I maximise storage space?

We once visited a client who had the largest collection of shoes we had ever seen. She came up with a really clever, yet simple idea. She asked a handyman to make up a big tray out of MDF with a castor at each corner and kept shoes on it tucked under her bed. Actually, there was a tray under every bed! She just hooked the tray out from under her bed with her foot!

t A friend has given me a pair of long curtains, but they are still six inches too short for my window. I do have three extra metres of fabric, but I do not like the idea of adding extra fabric to the bottom as the join would annoy me, is there anything else I can do?

I would add the six inches of fabric required to the top of the curtains, and, as you have the extra fabric, why not make up a straight valance of about 10in deep and add a bullion fringe along the bottom edge of the valance. This will give an elegant look and also conceal the join. This style is best draped from a pole.

t I have just moved into a cottage that has been left in a grubby state. The windows are filthy - what can I use to make them sparkle again?

There are a wide variety of window cleaning products on the market, but you could easily make your own. Buy a plastic plant spray bottle and fill it with one part white vinegar to eight parts of water. Spray onto the windows - the vinegar will remove grease. Wipe the glass with dry, crumpled newspaper.

t At the top of our stairs, there is a sort of hall that leads to the front window where I have always had a chair. There is not much room for anything else because it is only 5ft wide and 7ft long. How can I make it more of a feature?

Have a bookcase made out of MDF built down one side to the height of the window of about 12in (30cm) deep with small elbow arm wall lights with cream shades attached to the upright edges supporting the shelves. This will create a gentleman's library look and as the width is limited there, a better option than a free-standing lamp. There should still be room for a nice armchair to relax in - making it a cosy space to read.