The epic story of Norfolk's most famous son is being brought to life in a new exhibition starting today in Norwich.

Eastern Daily Press: 'Funeral procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson'This picture is among the items on display in the Neslon's County exhibition in The Forum.Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich.'Funeral procession of the late Lord Viscount Nelson'This picture is among the items on display in the Neslon's County exhibition in The Forum.Credit: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. (Image: © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. All rights reserved.)

The Fusion Gallery at the Forum is hosting Nelson's County, an exhibition exploring the life and death of Burnham Thorpe-born naval hero Admiral Lord Nelson who led Great Britain to victory in the Battle of Trafalgar but paid the ultimate price.

Tim Bishop, head of the Forum, said: 'Nelson's story has everything. The Norfolk boy made good who saved his country and died at the height of his success. A passionate affair with Lady Hamilton, in one of history's most scandalous romances, and a Boy's Own story of courage and daring.'

The exhibition, which runs until August 31, features film, pictures and historic artefacts including the funeral drape used at Nelson's state funeral in 1806, which is on loan from Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service (NMAS).

Steve Miller, head of NMAS, said: 'We are delighted to lend this exciting summer holiday exhibition the drape from the carriage which carried Nelson's coffin through the streets of London. It is the first time it has been shown in Norwich and we are pleased that it is on show in the heart of Norwich.'

Today and tomorrow, from 10am until 3pm, there will be free nautical-themed activities for children at the Forum.

These include giant colouring-in walls where children can colour in pictures of ships, anchors and cannons, and also craft activities where youngsters make their own telescopes and other nautical items. There will also be the chance to hear sea-faring tales in a free story-telling session.

Throughout the exhibition there will be talks about Nelson from local experts. The Forum has worked with the Nelson Museum, in Great Yarmouth, and many others to make the exhibition possible.

Mr Bishop said: 'This is only the start.

'Our goal is to link up all the Nelson sites in Norfolk and celebrate to the full the life of our own authentic Norfolk hero.'

Nelson's County is at Fusion Gallery until August 31. Opening times are Mondays to Saturdays 10am-5pm and closed Sundays. Visit