There are not many families who will enjoy the honour of having a village fun day named after them.

But that is what has happened to the Hares, a family well-known in Docking, near Fakenham, for hundreds of years.

The first Hare Fair was held in Docking on Saturday. It was named, in part, after the Hare family and also after hares, the animals, which are often seen in fields around Docking. There was a fun day at the village school and a craft market at the church. Money for repairs to the church.

A metal hare sculpture, funded by NADFAS, was unveiled at the school. It was designed by local artist Nicola Hart and made by professional blacksmith James Spedding, from Holkham Forge, with help from Docking Primary School pupils. The sculpture was, in part, in memory of Michael Hare, a former Army major, Docking Parish Council chairman and treasurer for the village church, who died from leukaemia in April.

His son and daughter John and Catherine Hare attended. Mr Hare, 50, said: 'It is a nice honour to have our family name attached to this event, but the main thing is that money is being raised for the church - our father would have been very pleased about that.'

Rector of Docking, Rev Peter Cook, said: 'The local community has come together to create a fantastic event. We hope to hold it again next year.'