Have you ever felt that your title didn't quite match your inner nobility?

Well, now that chance is yours to rectify that problem.

The Lordship of Gimingham is up for sale, bringing with it 26 acres of foreshore.

The land and lordship is being sold by Manorial Auctioneers of London, for the tidy sum of £18,500.

Robert Smith, of Manorial Auctioneers, said: 'There are many reasons to buy a lordship, this particular one comes with a lot of foreshore which I believe you could use for development or events.

'We have a lot of people buying the lordships because they live in the area. Otherwise we get people buying them that live overseas, but who's family originated from here, so they buy it for sentimental reasons.'

If you are lucky enough to purchase the lordship (or ladyship) you'll be joining a long line of both local and national nobility.

The ownership of the Lordship dates back to the creation of the Domesday Book in the 11th century, when the manor was owned by William de Warren, widely suspected to be the half-brother of William the Conqueror.

The sought-after manor at that time also compromised of Sidestrand and Knapton.

The Warrens held the manor for a number of centuries, before Lord Warren gifted the lordship to the Earl of Lancaster in 1319.

When the lineage of the Earl of Lancaster became royalty in 1399, the lordship was absorbed into the Duchy of Lancaster, property of the crown.

In 1786 a barony was made for Sir Harbord Harbord, who was made Lord Suffield, at which point the Gimingham lordship was passed back.

The Harbords have held the title ever since, at present being held by the Hon Robert Harbord Hammond.

Mr Smith added: 'Mr Harbord Hammond has chosen to sell the Lordship because they no longer live in the area.

'We've had about 15 manors come up in north Norfolk, all close by to Gimingham, an have sold two very recently.'

To enquire about purchasing the lordship, or to buy, contact Manorial Auctioneers on 020 7582 1588.