Scantiness, divorce, sex and broodiness were the key elements that had audiences gripping their sides with laughter at Shappi Khorsandi's typical geopolitical routine.

Khorsandi's set involved stories of moving to England from pre-revolution Iran, getting old, having her first child and getting back into the dating scene.

Using plenty of crowd participation this talented comedian did not take herself too seriously and used even the cameras, which were filming for the comedy big screen, to her advantage by pulling faces.

Although fans of Khorsandi will be used to the racial and religious elements in her set by now, the routine never gets old and at the end of every story is a poignant yet humorous punch-line.

Naming and shaming so-called celebrities she has come across at some point in her career is also a new favourite thing for her to talk about and now that she has made a name for herself she is happy to draw parallels between herself and her media colleagues.

Khorsandi focuses on living in a multi-cultured community and the highs and lows that come with it and although not your usual female Iranian comic, if there is such a thing, her comedy certainly did not alienate audiences whose applauses could be heard well outside of the comedy arena.