Norwich Playhouse

Norwich Playhouse

If the cartoon dog Droopy were ever to assume human form, he would very probably resemble American comic Rich Hall.

In his frequent television appearances he is laconic and deadpan bordering on comatose, making Jack Dee seem cheeky.

Onstage, although similarly cantankerous, his caustic rants against various examples of human stupidity acquire the energy and momentum of a whirlwind, before quite suddenly spluttering to a bemused halt.

Fortunately, it is never long before another subject is selected for his splenetic outpourings.

Whether lambasting Bill Gates's philanthropic credentials or mocking George Bush's plans to build a library on retiring, his furious, rapid-fire delivery is devastatingly effective.

If he occasionally goes off on a tangent like a bewildered old uncle, it confirms an overall sense of passionate sincerity.

Hall has enjoyed great acclaim in the guise of his country singing redneck creation Otis Lee Crenshaw, winning the Perrier Award in 2000. If that was a lot to live up to, on this showing the spurs and stetson can stay in storage for a while longer yet.