CHRISTOPHER SMITH Assembly House, Norwich


> Assembly House, Norwich

Two young performers presented a Music at One recital that was fully in harmony with the style and period of the Assembly House.

The music was tuneful and ingenious, the performances were deft and elegant, intimate and perfectly at home in the atmosphere of a cultured drawing room. That is not to say there was any lack of vigour, but energy, even high spirits, was kept within bounds.

Laura Cannell played recorders. On the little descant version her tone was rather thin and edgy. Her interpretation of a theme and variations by Dutch master Jacob Van Eyck did not make a particularly good impression. Sonatas by Croft, Paisible and Barsanti, who all made their names in Britain in the 18th century, sounded a lot better.

The soloist was not so much accompanied as partnered by Tabitha Tuckett on a baroque cello. There was no harpsichord. For, as the cellist explained, her flexible bow allowed her to provide, in addition to the bass line, enough harmony where it was needed.

She proved her point abundantly, showing real skill in keeping up rhythm and vitality even in very quiet passages. Where a little more fire was called for she knew how to hint at reserves of power at a moment's notice.

Two movements from J S Bach's Second Cello Suite gave her a chance to display an even wider range of skills.

She also showed why Bach has remained a recognised master while the other composers on display appeared only as “interesting minor figures.”