Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds

> Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds

Northern Broadside's Comedy of Errors can best be described in the Shakespearean term as zany. The first half tends to set the scene but that allows you to see the most moving performances by Barrie Rutter as Egeon and Zoe Lambert as Adriana.

Of course if you have a plot that has two sets of twins, this is bound to lead to confusion and mistaken identities. The two Dromios (Conrad Nelson and Simon Bates) were so alike that even the lively audience probably could not tell the difference.

Adding to this confusion the two Antipholuses (Andrew Cryer and Conrad Ryan) certainly gave an extra spice to what turned out to be a kind of Whitehall farce.

Northern Broadsides have perfected the art of casting as everyone fitted into their roles so well. In the end – yes, it was a case of All's Well That Ends Well.