Simon ParkinNorwich PlayhouseSimon Parkin

Norwich Playhouse

A night watching music videos in a theatre doesn't sound like the description of the most promising of evenings, but it belies the simple appeal of Bug, which somehow man-ages to mix comedy, music and film into something so simple you wonder why no one thought of it before.

Bug began as a showcase of new, rare and cutting-edge videos at the BFI on London's South Bank, which quickly began to draw big crowds of hipsters and budding filmmakers.

The nights are hosted by comedian Adam Buxton - one half of Adam and Joe, BBC6 Music's funniest DJs - who, luckily for us, happens to live in Norfolk. So Norwich gets the only regional off-shoot. This was the third, the previous two being so popular that it is now held over two nights.

What it isn't, despite its title, is a history of the music video. Instead it's more a chance to see the work of hugely-talented directors and videos you just otherwise wouldn't see - unless you go trawling the nether reaches of YouTube.

Some were clever and award-winning - Shynola's chalk pavement masterpiece for Coldplay's Straw-berry Swing; some beautiful in their intricate construction - a plasticine riot for Grizzly Bear's Ready, Able; and others just downright bizarre - a surreal bump-and-grind take on Major Lazor's Jamaican dancehall.

Throw in a few of Adam's own comic creations and you've got the perfect night in with a mate watching some great videos. If your mate just happens to be a top comedian.