Norwich Theatre Royal

> Norwich Theatre Royal

Paying up to £17.50 for an evening in the company of the world's most obnoxious Pub Landlord might seem a little excessive.

But when the publican in question is Al Murray, all manner of conventions fly out the window, and that was just fine for those who last night filled the Theatre Royal to see his latest show, And Another Thing.

Keeping up a sustained assault on students, call centre workers, those “in retail” (“you mean you work in a shop?”) and one unfortunate punter who looked “like a potato”, Murray on stage confirms what his sporadic appearances on TV and radio have always suggested: that he is the Jim Davidson for the iPod generation.

Which is quite an achievement.

For while some might find parts of his routine uncomfortable (his efforts for charity include holding “dog fights in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind”), Murray's relentless, headlong charge into every possible cause for offence is surely the point.

Whether this constitutes being a fearless warrior against the evils of PC (as I overheard someone suggest in the interval) is, I would say, stretching it.

With his one-liners, put-downs and recurring catchphrases (“It's been a year”) the Pub Landlord is certainly an unforgettable creation.