Norfolk & Suffolk Flyfishers at East Tuddenham experienced a week of mixed fortunes, with many day ticket visitors outscoring Society members over the last few days.

K Purnell, M Cawford and Mr Taylor all succeeded in banking limit bags from the top lake, against predictions last week that the more shaded bottom lake would probably fish the better of the two waters.

However, one or two members helped even up the score a little with Andy Smith from Aslacton taking a double ticket limit, again from the top lake on epoxy nymphs while Sheringham's Alan Binmore took his double limit bag from the bottom lake while sadly some other members struggled to worry the scales at all.

Attleborough Fish Farm's Trevor Day is becoming a regular visitor since his recent introductory lesson and is putting more and more fish on the bank, putting an intermediate line to good use on the evening rise.