Seasick Steve played to a packed out Obelisk Arena basked in golden sunlight at Latitude.

His ramshackle rock – produced by makeshift guitars and his drummer's fill-heavy beats – made enough of a racket to entertain the thousands in front of him.

One of his instruments consisted of a standard guitar neck, a washboard and a Mississippi numberplate – held together with what looked like string. Despite a modest creation it still added a healthy whack of sound to Seasick's blues and rock blend.

For one number he, Bonoesque at Live Aid, took a girl from the crowd and sang to her. The John Deere hatted American joked afterwards he would like to do the same again with another audience member.

Seasick, adding plasters to his fingers midset, adds authenticity, honesty and down-to-earth grit to any festival he's apart of. His appearance at Latitude was no different.