A dementia sufferer has spoken of her sadness that a day care centre on which she relies is set to close.

Jennifer Thompson attends Angelica Place day centre in Griston once a week to see friends, take part in group activities and give a short break to her husband.

But the centre's owner Healthcare Homes has announced that it will soon be closing on October 21 due to low user numbers.

Mr Thompson, who at the moment only suffers mildly from the degenerative disease, is concerned about the effect Angelica Place's closure will have on her and its other users, who can access showers, hot meals and physiotherapy services there.

'I have to say it is a God send, because it gives my husband a break and it gives me a break, quite honestly.

'We always have a laugh and a joke and you make friends quickly. It gives you a break with people who understand your condition.

'It is a lovely hall and they have lovely facilities. We do things like crosswords and puzzles, and we usually have entertainment in the afternoons.

'I cannot speak too highly of the staff. They have unlimited patience and will sit and listen to your woes.

'I just think it is so dreadful that just like that they are out.'

Mrs Thompson said she has spoken about the centre's closure to MP George Freeman and Breckland ward councillor Claire Bowes, who have been 'very sympathetic'.

A spokesperson for Angelica Place day centre said: 'Healthcare Homes has been in consultation with Norfolk social services for some time regarding the commissioning of the Angelica Place day centre service.

'Unfortunately due to the decreasing number of people using the service we find ourselves in a position which dictates that, sadly, the service is no longer viable. It is therefore with regret that the day centre will close on October 21.

'We have contacted everyone who uses the centre and have advised them to contact Norfolk County Council who can recommend alternative day centre services in the area.'