A town council has matched donations from a garage sale to provide two new defibrillators in Thorpe St Andrew.

The life-saving equipment will be installed at the Fitzmaurice Park and Sir George Morse Park.

Half of the money raised for the defibrillators came from the Dussindale garage sale, which was organised by Tracey Cooper.

She said: 'Although I initiated the garage sale, it was a community activity with everyone pulling together to make it a success.

'It was great fun and we all made many new friends. We love living in Dussindale it has such a strong community feeling.'

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council matched the donations to pay for the equipment.

The defibrillators will be available inside the town hall and Morse Pavilion, and can be accessed by people using the buildings.

The equipment can be used with no training.