A Speedwatch scheme, which aims to make a village safer for everyone, is set to relaunch after receiving a funding boost.

Kessingland Community Speedwatch is relaunching after receiving funding from Suffolk County Council and Kessingland Parish Council, which has enabled it to purchase all the necessary equipment.

The scheme ran successfully last year, with equipment rented from the Police Safer Communities Team, but it was suspended while funding and equipment was secured for it to continue.

Scheme co-ordinator Jo Thompson said that this is 'a scheme designed to make the village a safer and more pleasant place to live,' and was not a means of punishing or penalising motorists.

She said: 'We think that more than 90 per cent of inappropriate driving is down to lack of concentration rather than a disregard for the law or residents. We hope our presence on Kessingland's roads will serve as a reminder to motorists to stay aware of their speed and surroundings and drive appropriately.

'We take no pleasure from 'catching' speeders and are much happier when we see our presence slowing the traffic flow.'

She added: 'If you see team members on the road, please give us a friendly wave and remember they are only trying to make the village safer for everyone.'

The Speedwatch team is keen to recruit new members. If you feel you could help and make a positive difference, you can volunteer by contacting the parish clerk at Marram Green, who will be happy to pass your details onto the team.

Call the parish clerk on 01502 744367 or email clerkkessingland@outlook.com