Exclusive previewing of film with award winning cast and crew.

A hard hitting film will be screened in Norwich next month, to raise awareness for Childreach International's Taught, Not Trafficked campaign.

The film, SOLD, tells the story of a 13-year-old girl who is sold to a brothel in India.

Gillian Anderson stars in the movie, which was produced by Emma Thompson.

The event will begin at 7pm, ending at 9.30pm on February 16 at the Forum.

The piece will be shown alongside talks from experts in the field: Mark Little from Norwich St Edmund Rotary Club, Lord Dannant, and Police and Crime commissioner Lorne Green.

The evening intends to prompt audiences to think about the realities of trafficking, and to take a stand against it.

With donations from the general public, Childreach International will attempt to stop the trafficking of predominantly girls in Nepal.

Before 2015, 20,000 girls were being trafficked from the country of Nepal alone, and forced into the sex and domestic industry.

Tiffany Watts, executive director of Childreach International, said: 'Our goal in Nepal is to stop trafficking before it begins, by ensuring children are educated and in a safe space in school. Our work may be just a drop in the ocean, but through SOLD we hope that our drop becomes a ripple and then a wave of change as others join us in the fight against trafficking.'

The community of Norwich is one of 12 locations where the film we be shown exclusively ahead of general release in the UK.

To pre-book your tickets to the event, visit the Taught Not Trafficked website.