A new website has been launched by Norfolk County Council, geared towards making apprenticeships more accessible in the county.

The new site - Apprenticeships Norfolk - acts as an information hub for people either looking to become an apprentice or businesses seeking them.

It was launched on May 1 and was masterminded by 19-year-old Kieren Buxton, the council's apprenticeship strategy co-ordinator, who himself began his career as an apprentice at the age of 16.

He said: 'The purpose of the website is to give people the chance to learn more about apprenticeships, view vacancies, talk to potential employers or candidates and find out whether they are right for them.

'When I was finishing school I initially went to sixth form and found it wasn't for me, so went into an apprenticeship. Had I known more I may have chosen that to start with.'

The website can be found at apprenticeshipsnorfolk.org