Review of Peril at Sea at the Wells Maltings.

A precise and descriptive title, Peril at Sea is the theatrical production which finished at Wells Maltings Theatre after a tour of seaside theatres up and down the British coast.

Carefully staged, with very good acting and singing from a trio of experienced performers, this was a compendium of seaside tales and Royal Lifeboat history.

Spoken in deepest ‘mummerset’, presumably to appeal to the locals, this was a verbal illustration of all the Heritage museums and Lifeboat collections up and down the British coasts.

Actors and singers Kaitlin a Feeney, Andrew Forbes and Alex Scott Fairley did their best to enliven their material.

The spare production: slightly ‘carpentered’ boxes and bits of angular wood seemed appropriate but the general worthiness of the script diminished the theatrical values of this particular production.

It had the faint tones of carefully monitored school presentations without the personal passions of an author’s direct experience.