Norwich fitness fanatic duo The Lean Machines have made their first TV appearance on the popular Channel 4 show.

Following the success of their YouTube Channel, which has over 350,000 subscribers, health and fitness coaches John Chapman and Leon Bustin appeared on Sunday Brunch to talk about their fitness regimes, food habits and to promote their latest book 'Eat More, Move Better and Feel Awesome.'

Mr Chapman, who attended Old Buckenham High School, said: 'For us it's about being happy, being mindful and a bit more holistic about stuff.'

Showcasing their cooking skills, the duo made their signature steak tacos on the show with presenter and Chef Simon Rimmer.

Best friends John and Leon explained how their aim is to make their meals sustainable, and to get people to understand that 'being healthy doesn't have to be hard or depressing.'

Their first book was published in May 2016 which consists of nutritious recipes, fitness routines and mindfulness techniques.

The book has temporarily sold out on Amazon.

The Lean Machines tweeted: 'NO WAY! Our books just sold out on Amazon thanks so much guys!'

Since starting their channel in October 2011 they have over 20 million views on their videos and 41,000 twitter followers.

The pair have been best friends since they were sixteen and have both had successful careers in personal training for eight years.

Jim Chapman, John's twin brother, has had a successful YouTube career since 2009 and helped The Lean Machines when they were starting out.

Jim featured in a fitness video with John and Leon in 2014 which helped boost their following.

The pair have also appeared in Men's Health magazine, The Sun, The Observer and Men's Fitness magazine.

Follow The Lean Machines on twitter and YouTube.