Tim Farron has described how he comforted Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party whips 'shouted obscenities' at him as he defied them in opposing the Government's welfare plans.

The Liberal Democrat leader said he had only met the new Labour leader a few times, but considered him to be a 'gent'.

'I have been looking through the personal attacks on him. There is loads of pressure involved – more than me I imagine. To trim your sails, to be not who you are. I am only responsible for me,' he said.

'It was very interesting when he was not the leader on the welfare bill [earlier this summer] where the Liberal Democrats led the opposition he was one of a handful of MPs, a small number of MPs, who backed us in the lobby.

'I remember being chasing into the lobby by a Labour whip shouting obscenities for being so disloyal by voting against the welfare bill.

'I said 'there there Jeremy, when you win they will have do what you say'.'

He said that he hoped the two parties could work together on electoral reform.

'He is who he is. I am who I am. The best advice Charles Kennedy [former Liberal Democrat leader] gave me was be myself. I won't be made over and told to soften my position like Jeremy Corbyn is doing,' added Mr Farron.