Extra savings are needed to protect front-line services in Norfolk, the Conservative group has said ahead of next week's meeting to set the county council's budget.

The Conservatives are proposing more than £30m of further savings in the budget amendment they will put forward at Monday's meeting.

The Labour/Liberal Democrat/UKIP and Independent Group alliance is already proposing £10.5m of service cuts and £19m in efficiencies on top of the £40m in cuts already agreed.

But Conservative group leader Tom FitzPatrick says the pace of change at County Hall is too slow and that more than £30m extra should be saved.

He said: 'I am proposing an additional £30m of savings to be found from Norfolk County Council's organization: from improved practice; proper performance management and efficiencies in terms of ways of established practice, but procurement as well.

'The money will go towards adult social services to ensure it has the funding to provide vital care in the community; to support front-line services and to fund the changes Norfolk County Council must make to be fit for the future.

'The pace of change at Norfolk County Council has been too slow, the lack of political leadership means opportunities have been missed and there has been no strategy in dealing with the council's finances.'

But George Nobbs, Labour leader of the council, said: 'I was rendered temporarily speechless when I saw this amendment.

'I like Tom FitzPatrick, so by far the kindest thing is for me to say nothing about his party's amendment.'

Do you have a story about a local council? Call reporter Dan Grimmer on 01603 772375 or email dan.grimmer@archant.co.uk