Alive Leisure trustees Abbie Panks and Avril Wright are thanked by Councillor Elizabeth Nockolds for their pledge to support the St George's Guildhall development project with a contribution of £10,000.

The 15th century building on King Street housed the King's Lynn Art Centre before it closed down in 2015. The trust which ran it at the time described the building as 'no longer viable.'

Now there are fresh bids in the pipeline to reopen the art centre, with West Norfolk council placing a bid last month for £2.7m in lottery funding and a further £500,000 bid has been submitted to the Arts Council.

Mrs Nockolds, who is deputy leader and portfolio holder for Culture, Heritage and Health at West Norfolk Council, said: 'it is such an important building and needs to be used more at the moment.

'I am so pleased Alive Leisure have given their support towards this project.