He shares his name with Norfolk’s hero nurse Edith Cavell, who faced the firing squad for helping soldiers from both sdes of the First World War.

Patient experience intern Richard Cavell-Clarke is helping to ensure staff at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn have the right weapons to fight coronavirus.

All departments at the QEH have had to adapt their day jobs as battle rages against Covid-19.

Before the pandemic, the patient experience team collated the feedback from patients and their relatives and carried out admin.

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Now Mr Cavell-Clarke, who was previously a volunteer at the trust for five years, is putting together hundreds of swab kits, used for testing staff and patients for the virus.

Each consists of swab sticks, a tongue depressor and paperwork, which Mr Cavell-Clarke delivers to front line teams.

“It feels great to be making a difference during Covid-19 and I’m pleased I can support in ways different from my normal role,” he said.

As well as creating the essential swab packs, Mr Cavell-Clarke helps deliver important communications for staff and patients across the trust.

Subscribe to our daily coronavirus newsletter, with all the latest from where you liveHe has also been supporting staff engagement teams by putting together overnight bags filled with toiletries for staff living away from their families.

To add to all of this, Richard is also spending some time in stores, helping the team manage their increased work load by helping to deliver packages across the hospital.