Eastern Daily Press readers can now get all the latest breaking news delivered straight to their smartphones using the free messaging service WhatsApp.

You will receive occasional breaking news alerts and a daily bulletin with the latest news from across East Anglia each weekday evening.

Tom Bristow, Archant Norfolk digital content editor, said: 'This new service will make it really quick and easy to get the top stories of the day in one simple message and to stay on top of breaking news alerts from our region.

'We will send a maximum of one bulletin per day, along with occasional breaking news alerts.'

To subscribe:

1) Download WhatsApp onto your smartphone

2) Save this number into your contacts as EDP - 07823447463

3) Message us 'EDP subscribe' with your first and surname on Whatsapp

4) Wait for your first message to arrive

Details of anyone who subscribes will not be shown to other users. Archant will never share your information with any other companies.

You can also message us on WhatsApp using the above number with story tips, photos and videos.