110 years of continuous scouting has been celebrated by one of the oldest groups in the country.

The First Norwich Sea Scouts, based in Old Lakenham, celebrated the milestone on January 15 by holding a thanksgiving service at St Johns and All Saint's Church in Norwich.

The evening concluded with a reception at its new headquarters in Old Lakenham Hall Drive.

Current members, families, past members and guests were joined by key members of the city, including the Lord Mayor of Norwich.

The service reenacted the history of the group and how it started 110 years ago.

In 1908, two school boys decided to form a Scout patrol and called themselves the Lions Patrol. It was the foundation stone of the First Norwich Group.

Jane Stafford, coordinator of the group, said: 'We've gone from strength to strength. If the original Scouts were here today they would see all the changes, new uniforms, HQ's, leaders, activities and even new badges. But they would be able to see that the core values have stayed the same.

'I feel that our group founder, Edward Coe would be very pleased to see that tiny acorn he has created has grown into a very strong oak tree.'

Withot the support the group gets, it would not be able to give the young people all of the opportunities being a part of the First Norwich Sea Scouts group can offer and teach them skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.

Julian Greenfield, group Scout leader, said: 'Having made 100 years, I think the work of the current leadership team along with group supporters has honoured the past leaders by the great things they have achieved over the last 10 years continuing to provide scouting for young people and securing the future of the 1st Norwich.

'Today there are more than 25 million scouts and leaders around the world, some 400,000 in the UK and over 100 in First Norwich. We should salute them for what they have given us.'

For more information on the scout group, visit www.firstnorwichseascouts.co.uk