It has been a tough week for Great Yarmouth's Charter Academy.

Its new behaviour rules, which originally included the threat of confiscating mobile phones for up to four months and a suggested 9.30pm bedtime for pupils, have got the school a telling off from some parents who think the rules are far too strict.

Others however, such as EDP columnist Rachel Moore, believe principal Barry Smith deserves full marks for trying to tackle an issue which has reportedly caused at the school problems.

The school has since released a softened policy, with some original items omitted, and last night met with parents to listen to their concerns.

Now though is the time to let this coastal school, which has made the national headlines, move forward.

Behaviour in schools is an issue which has long troubled teachers. Some schools have found ways of dealing it, while others - despite their best intentions - have struggled to get it right.

It is a very difficult balance for teachers - too soft and standards may decline, too harsh and it may make the problems worse.

There are strong views about how Charter Academy went about tackling its behaviour issues. But whatever your opinions, it is at least trying to tackle them and deserves to be allowed to try and bring about changes.

Behaviour in school has a great impact on children's learning. We all have a shared interest in allowing this school to go forward.