We use passwords for all kinds of things: social networking sites, emails, different apps. Think of all the things you use on a daily basis and it's almost guaranteed that at least one of them needs a password.

Having a strong, hard-to-guess password is a very important task in keeping yourself and your things safe.

But is your password really keeping your things secure?

I've created a quick quiz to test your password….

How many sites do you use the same password for?

a) Every site I use

b) Some sites

c) I have a different password for each site

Do your passwords contain:

a) Just lowercase letters?

b) Uppercase and lowercase letters?

c) A mixture of lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers

Do you let your browser remember your passwords?

a) All the time

b) For certain sites

c) Never

If your answers aren't all Cs, then perhaps it's time to rethink your passwords.

Not having secure passwords can lead to issues such as fraud and stealing – and let's not forget that if you leave something logged in, your friends could post that embarrassing picture of you from four years ago.

In any case, it's best to make sure you're logged out when not using a site and to ensure your passwords are as safe as they can be.

Surprisingly, '123456' and 'password' are two of the most commonly used passwords, but these are unsecure and easy to guess, so it's best to refrain from using them.

For safe passwords, make sure to include a mixture of lowercase, uppercase and numerical characters, and try to use different passwords for each site.

Now you've got a super safe password, you just need to remember that user name!

If you have any more tips for keeping safe on the internet, tweet @futurevoicesnfk with your suggestions.

Kristina Fox, 15, Mattishall