There is often a lot of stigma attached to mental health issues. This needs to be tackled.

We are all guilty of flippantly using phrases such as 'being depressed' or 'having OCD,' without fully considering the seriousness of these conditions. This needs to stop.

Mind is very important to many people, providing vital support through a helpline as well as online. Without its help, people suffering from mental illnesses may not receive the necessary reassurance and they could feel isolated.

Mind also campaigns for a better health care service for mental health patients, as due to low funding patients sometimes experience inadequate service such as inaccurate diagnoses, which happen more often they should.

The two most commonly known mental health disorders are anxiety and depression - but what's important to remember is that every illness affects each person differently.

Anxiety can prevent people from doing everyday tasks such as: leaving the house, seeing friends/family, cooking and bathing because of the risk that something may go wrong.

Depression, contrary to common belief, is less of the feeling of sadness and more the feeling of numbness. This can lead to the possibility of having a lack of basic human emotions such as: sympathy, empathy, as well as hunger and self care.

For more information about Mind visit

Max Tofts, 16, Hardingham