Happy Pi Day! Today is a once-in-a-century chance to hold a unique celebration of every school child's favourite mathematical ratio: pi.

The date – March 14, 2015 – forms the first five digits of the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, 3.1415, and yesterday one Norwich high school devoted lessons across its curriculum to the special number.

In PE, children at City of Norwich School ran 3.14 miles; in German, they recited the first 32 digits of pi from memory; in English they wrote short pi-themed poems, and the canteen even served savoury and fruit pies.

Emily Fronant, 13, said: 'I never really heard of it before, but it's really amazing to think of a number that just goes on forever. It's very exciting to try to learn it off by heart.'

Posy O'Rourke, 12, said her music class involved assigning the digits of pi to musical scales, and using them to create new composition.

Asked what the end results sounded like, she said: 'It really depends on what scale you use. If you did a major scale it sounds really happy and exciting.

'If you use a minor scale, it sounds a bit sadder.'

She said she enjoyed the day, she added: 'It's really exciting because everywhere you go there's a lot of different things going on, but its all revolving around one subject, the subject of pi.

'It's quite interesting to see how the different curriculum areas interpreted it, because you can do it in lots of different way.'

The school even held a lunchtime competition to see how could write the most digits of pi from memory. The winner managed 130.

How are you celebrating Pi Day today? Email reporter Martin George at martin.george@archant.co.uk with the details.