An appeal has gone out for a landowner with a small piece of woodland to accommodate a Forest School.

Great Yarmouth College is looking to run ar new level 3 NCFE course in outdoor leadership this year. The course is based around the principles of Forest School and emotional intelligence development.

For this to happen it is essential the college tutors locate a parcel of land (minimum of 30m2) for the students to practice their skills and eventually bring primary schoolchildren to take part in activities.

The space will be used for the day and left in a better-than-before condition.

College spokesman Luke Springall said: 'Currently all efforts to find a small piece of woodland have failed and the start of the new term is just around the corner. I am hoping someone may be willing to help?

'What do we need? A small piece of woodland (preferably deciduous) that we can access once a week within 30 minutes of Yarmouth College.

A Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning.

Such schools have demonstrated success with children of all ages who visit the same local woodlands on a regular basis and through play, have the opportunity to learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with other.

The college students will also be given an opportunity to work on a report for prospective employers that will highlight skills they have outside of their academic ability.