Arming police officers with Tasers would keep them safer, says the head of Norfolk Police Federation.

Andy Symonds, who chairs the federation representing 1,500 officers in Norfolk, has welcomed a move by Northamptonshire Police and Durham's chief constable to make stun guns available to all frontline officers who want them.

And Mr Symonds called on the government to make extra cash available to speed up a process which would see all Norfolk response officers given the option of having Tasers by 2021.

Mr Symonds said: "We need central government funding to speed up the roll out, rather than currently from overstretched budgets."

The federation ran a survey last year, with 414 officers responding.

More than half reported their life had been in "serious danger" at least once in the last two years, and 69pc said they were unsatisfied with the level of armed support in the county.