A decision over a controversial bid to build new homes in a village is to be delayed so further discussions can be held.

Philip Hall is looking to build five two-bedroom homes in Caston, near Watton.

He even offered to build the village primary school a new car park, after he was said to be 'aware that there is a requirement for additional parking facilities for the school'.

But residents wrote to Breckland Council to express concerns about over-development in the village, as well as the design and layout of the car park.

Caston Parish Council unanimously objected to the application following an extraordinary meeting last year, on the grounds that the new homes would be 'detrimental to and will damage the street scene'.

It also argued the plan would have an 'adverse impact which significantly and demonstrably outweighs any unproven benefit'.

An email from parish council clerk Jo Blackman read: 'The proposed development will increase the already very heavy traffic in this section of the village particularly at school arrival and departure times.

'The proposed parking area will only exacerbate the very serious and dangerous traffic and crossing issues as this is adjacent to the school location.'

Some also believe the creation of new homes and a car park could cause a flood risk.

Others though have supported the move, with one resident saying: 'Thoughtful of the applicants to consider all of this for the village as well as making a business profit for themselves.

'Do hope this goes through as it helps with the safety of children in and out of school.'

Breckland Council's planning committee was due to decide on the bid this week but chose to defer it so further discussion could be held with Mr Hall and the Environment Agency.