Norfolk-based acting legend John Hurt will be heard across the nation's radio airwaves this weekend as he takes part in a classic drama series.

He is among the cast of The Divine Comedy on BBC Radio 4 - an adaptation of the epic poem written by Dante in the early 1300s.

The work, regarded as one of the greatest works of world literature, has been adapted - and sees Dante journeying through hell's inferno, up Mount Purgatory and into paradise.

Mr Hurt, who lives near Cromer, said he recorded his part, old Dante, last month, adding: 'It is great stuff for radio because of the writing.

'It is always enjoyable to do something that is perceptive and well-written - a very early piece of writing that is pre-Shakespeare.'

His voice acting has also featured him as a rabbit in Watership Down and a dragon in the Merlin TV series.

The first of three episode airs on Sunday at 3pm on BBC Radio 4.