Drivers clocked on the A47 at 100mph by roads policing officers this weekend included a 73-year-old woman who had recently been track racing for her birthday.

Officers from the Norfolk and Suffolk Roads Policing Team also stopped a 20-year-old man travelling at 100mph on the A47, and subsequently had to call the ambulance service to administer oxygen as he suffered a panic attack.

Officers tweeted they had reported both drivers to court after dealing with them yesterday.

They said they had reported the 73-year-old after she was 'advised to keep those speeds for the track'.

The 20-year-old man was 'treated and sent on his way' after being reported for speeding.

Another driver on the A47 passed a drug wipe test but had been clocked at 98mph so was reported, along with a driver travelling at 102mph, around the Terrington St Clement area.

READ MORE: Communities get tough on speeding