What a cruel and barbaric way of culling these already starving and diminishing creatures.

Yes diminishing, their numbers have already dangerously decreased.

The reason you see an influx of them in Lowestoft is because it is one of their breeding grounds.

MORE: Should people in Norfolk and Suffolk be fined £80 for feeding seagulls?The council have no thought for the affect this culling is going to have on children, we witnessed a Harris hawk eating a pigeon alive in London Road North the other day, everybody stood around watching and hearing its screams. To bring in a fine for feeding the seagulls will only cause the problem of birds stealing food to get worse.

These beautiful birds are created to live at the seaside hence the name seagulls, their fish supply has disappeared so they can only scavenge for food, they steal because it is the only way for them to survive.

MORE: Poll suggests people in East Anglia would welcome fines for feeding seagullsDo we want to see yet another one of God's creatures disappear from the face of the earth, destroyed yet again by man.

Surely a more sensible solution would be to allocate an area of beach or wasteland where people are encouraged to feed the seagulls hence enticing them out of the town and solving the problem.

Violence is never the answer as we all know, do unto others as we would have done to ourselves.

Let's help these creatures instead of destroying them, then we can live in harmony with them.

Derrynene Moseley, Oulton, Lowestoft.