One thing I do regularly to get to the city is to walk under the Magdalen Street flyover, the presence of which seems to completely dominate the area surrounding it more than ever.

For many weeks there has been a small army of workmen working away behind screens on 'essential maintenance work' on the whole stretch.

This maintenance work has been done many times since its construction in the 1960s and must each time cost the council, whose task it is to maintain it, hundreds of thousands of pounds of council tax money.

One has to think whether it would be more economically viable and morally acceptable in the long run to spend this money on the task of demolishing it.

Nearly every day in the paper we have a stream of letters from angry motorists complaining about the council's policy of changing the city centre into car-free pedestrian zones they claim will stop them coming into Norwich in their cars to shop, yet the council appears to have a completely different attitude on the flyover and the motorists.

I wish our council would admit their mistake in constructing the flyover in the first place and make plans to spend regular maintenance money on pulling the monstrosity down and make our local street whole again.

David M Coe, Rosebery Road, Norwich