One reader thinks Stoke's differences to Norwich should be celebrated. What do you think?

Your article in today's EDP (August 22) re 'Is Stoke more likeable than Norwich?' has a faint whiff of superiority about it, and I detect a faint sneer in the headline.

How dare you! How dare you sneer at my home town and compare it unfavourably with Norwich? Stoke may not have the rural charm (until you get out of the city) and the number of historical buildings that Norwich has, but this federated city has been the very heart of industry and commerce via the huge amount of pottery which passed through in past times.

Not for nothing is it called 'The Potteries'. The home of Josiah Wedgwood, Doulton, Minton to name but three has undergone a radical change in the past few years – we all know what effect our fluctuating economy has made everywhere.

Norwich is lucky to have remained prosperous throughout the years.

The big pot banks are no longer in operation but there is a growing number of small artisan potteries growing and flourishing, and Stoke has pulled itself up by its bootstraps. It's different from Norwich and that should be celebrated, not denigrated.

It's almost half a century since I came to live in Norwich, but not a day goes by when I don't think about my old home, so don't smash it, please.

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