Do you, like our reader, hope the new funds will help rough sleepers in the city?

The report by Dominic Gilbert and featuring Dan Mobbs (Mancroft Advice Project) was interesting and informative. However it seems unnecessarily pessimistic and didn't concentrate on the opportunity of the grants of over £900,000 which are in place over the next three years (for work in Norwich).

This grant has been awarded to a consortium of local agencies headed by St Martin's Trust; this should (if used creatively) be used to greatly reduce the number of rough sleepers on our city streets. Along with the wonderful local voluntary community groups this should have a significant impact in a positive way.

I would add some caution however; the work practices of the agencies concerned need to change and be individual (rough sleeper) based. It is clear that current practice has failed — note the awful experiences on our streets over the winter. So let's hope this new opportunity makes a positive difference with a steady reduction in the rough sleepers in our city. I watch with interest and expectation, as well as some involvement in a voluntary capacity.