“Good, British common sense.”

That is about as clear as the messaging gets. As we move, slowly, out of the tight lockdown, the government has put the emphasis on us. Everyone.

And Norfolk must rise up.

It is easy to blame. It is easy to reflect. And hindsight is a wonderful thing.

But this lockdown remains. Not much has actually changed.

The prime minister had been accused of not being clear. That might be true.

But what is clear is the danger we all still face. And if everyone dashes off to the park for a party, if Norfolk’s glorious beaches are rammed with revellers, if we all ease up... people will die.

Amid the chaos. Amid the noise. Amid the back and forth – the people must stay strong. We need to continue our suffering to protect the NHS and to protect our economy.

But it is more than that. It is more personal than that.

We must stay strong to protect the ones we love.

By staying at home we are saving lives. For that, history will look very kindly upon this generation.

But it is fragile. A second spike is a very real possibility.

So use your common sense. Yes, soon we can hopefully embrace the people we have missed. The people we adore. But don’t put anyone you love at risk.

For victory to be achieved this has to be a collective effort. And we will win. Norfolk can overcome this great affliction. But only if we do it together.

Once again we will meet friends on the beach in Hunstanton, soon we will share a drink in Norwich’s bars. It is coming. But not yet. Sadly not yet.

So for now. It is common sense.

And it might just save a life.