Robert Wright reviews The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds.

The Blackeyed Theatre touring production of this intense thriller, based on Robert Louis Stevenson's celebrated gothic novella, is thought-provoking and gripping. It poses the question - both at the beginning and definitely the end - if good ever be gained from such evil perpetrated by the one man with two characters.

You are drawn into the secrecy of the good intentions of the crippled Dr Jekyll trying to find a way to overcome disease and illnesses for all mankind through experiment. It all spirals out of control when he mixes the concoction wrongly causing unintentional consequences which are so catastrophic.

The spellbinding performance by the cast may temporarily haunt you, but the whole experience is something to remember for the right reasons. Robert Louis Stevenson's forward thinking highlights how lessons can be learnt in today's scientific research where mistakes can still be made.

Robert Wright