Rachel Moore's article (September 14) was a real breath of fresh air and addressed all the issues with regard to lack of parenting skills which have gradually deteriorated over the past few generations and sadly are set to continue to do so unless people like head teacher Mr Smith are allowed to halt the slide.

Many of his rules may seem petty and illogical but respect and discipline has to be taught this way until these basic qualities are ingrained, after which the young person can be allowed to gradually self regulate. Bad parenting has simply begged for the need for his strict disciplinary regime and those who have failed have only themselves to blame.

MORE: RACHEL MOORE OPINION: Great Yarmouth Charter Academy head gets my full marks in behaviour battleWe hear so much these days about mental health problems in young people of school age. Many of these issues have fancy names that were unheard of 50 years ago. The government is continually being urged to pour more money into training and employing mental health experts to solve the problem. This is simply addressing the symptoms, not the cause.

One of the major causes lies with all that is wrong in the basic upbringing of children from a very early age as admirably explained by Rachel Moore. These anti-social children gradually find themselves outcasts from society and are shunned by their equals and elders alike. They have no respect for people or property, but more particularly none whatsoever for themselves.

They drift into drugs and crime to alleviate their outcast loneliness and find solace only among those equally disturbed.

It is time somebody stopped sticking on plasters and addressed the underlying causes.

Thank goodness for teachers like Mr Smith who has a proven record of getting results. He is not harming children, contrary to the opinions of some of the parents, he is actually trying to help protect them from those who have failed them.