A 1,200-pupil high school has been told it requires improvement by the education watchdog.

Ofsted inspectors visited King Edward VII (KES) Academy in King's Lynn last month.

Their report says: 'Leaders have an overgenerous view of the

quality of the provision in the school.

'Although teaching, learning and assessment are improving, leaders have not ensured that they are consistently good. Pupils' experiences in mathematics and science are variable.'

The school was part of the College of West Anglia Academies Trust, whose King's Lynn Academy was rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted and the college was told it 'required improvement', before it resigned as lead sponsor of the trust.

MORE - We can get by without collegeDr Duncan Ramsey, chief executive of the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust, which now runs the school, said: 'While we are disappointed with the overall grading, we are pleased that Ofsted has recognised the progress we are making as a school.

'Before KES became an academy, it had been graded as 'inadequate' at its last inspection in 2013. We believe we are making strong progress on our journey towards an 'outstanding' grading and are encouraged that the Ofsted report identifies many clear signs of this progress.'

The report said the new trust, led by a new chief executive, has 'acted quickly to secure further leadership and staffing capacity in the school since his arrival'.

It said staff and leaders were working to bring about greater consistency in the classroom.

The sixth form at KES was rated 'good'. The inspectors' report said: 'Most pupils and parents are positive about the quality of this provision. Teaching, learning and assessment have

improved, especially in English and history.'

Dr Ramsay added: 'The report identifies a number of areas for us to improve on. It confirms that progress has not been rapid enough and that will be a focus of our work in the coming months.

'Behaviour for some students can improve and, while attendance is increasing, it needs to increase further. Leaders need to act to ensure the necessary improvements are brought about more quickly.'