Everyday, young people face constant exposure to the 'ideal body image', but what impact is this truly having on the younger generations?

In the UK alone it is estimated 86pc of people suffering from an eating disorder display symptoms before the age of 19.

This means that from a young age children and teenagers are showing a great dissatisfaction with their bodies which can lead on to more severe mental and health issues such as low self-esteem, depression and eating disorders.

Skipping meals, smoking and vomiting are three of the many ways which teenagers are resorting to in hope to lose weight with reports of over one half being female and nearly one third being male.

Teenagers who express having a low body image also report losing out on their social life, losing an interest in hobbies as well as school, showing how some young people are feeling restricted in their own skin.

So what is it that is causing teenagers to feel this pressure of having the 'ideal body'?

For one social media. All over the internet, there are pictures of air-brushed models and tips on 'how to diet' which can easily be accessed by young people, exposing them to distorted ideas of body image.

Peer pressure from both friends and family (whether it's to 'fit in' or their idea of 'beauty') can also lead to insecurities.

Lauren Gower, 18, from Norwich feels as if this is a growing issue.

She said: 'I feel many teens feel pressure to have the 'perfect body' due to the portrayal of it in the media. They end up doing things to their bodies which isn't necessary in order to raise their confidence.'

If you yourself suffer from or know someone who is suffering from an eating disorder visit eatingdisorderssupport.co.uk

Brogan Quinn, 18, Aylsham