With all the distractions of the modern world, it can be difficult to remain engaged in a book that doesn't grab you from the off. Here are five books guaranteed to keep you enthralled:

The Iron King series by Julie Kagawa

This trilogy tells the story of Meghan Chase; a half human, half summer fairy who must venture into the darkly menacing fairy kingdom to rescue her brother. Teen.com refers to this series as, 'the next Twilight'- but don't let that put you off. It's a gripping read that will transport you to a unique and mysterious world, leaving you questioning your desire to live in a magical fairy kingdom.

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright and David Leslie Johnson

A Gothic twist to the old fairy tale we all know and love, this novel is definitely no bedtime story for toddlers. Red Riding Hood is a sinister and eerie read which will have you hooked within the first few pages trying to decipher which characters can be trusted.

Children of the Red King series by Jenny Nimmo

This series tells the story of Charlie Bone, a young boy gifted with the magical ability to hear the voices of people in photographs. When he attends the dreaded 'Bloor Academy' he realises he is not the only one with supernatural powers. The series contains eight bite-size books, each with their own original plot line to keep your interest piqued.

The Virals series by Kathy Reichs

This six-part murder mystery series tells the story of a group of four children infected by an experimental virus giving them superhuman powers. The writing style contains some scientific expertise, yet is still entirely approachable for those of us lacking a degree in forensic anthropology. This gives you the opportunity to put your own detective hat on and piece together each clue to solve the case.

The House of Secrets series by Ned Vizzini and Chris Columbus

The reader is immediately launched into the tale of three siblings who are trapped inside a selection of fantasy novels in which the terrifying characters are brought to life. The short chapters, teen-friendly writing style and non-stop action make this book the ultimate read for anyone who claims to find reading 'boring'.

What is your top reading tip? Comment below.

Ellie Rose, 16, New Costessey