A driver has been stopped after trying to travel with a sofa strapped to the roof of a vehicle.

Police stopped the male driver in his 60s, who was travelling on the A140 at Dickleburgh, calling the load 'dangerous' and 'insecure'.

The Renault Scenic was carrying a sofa on its roof using a single rope to hold it down on Wednesday, January 17.

In a tweet South Norfolk Police said: 'Driver reported for having a dangerous and insecure load in #Dickleburgh on the A140. #NotSuitable #517.'

South Norfolk Police said he faces 'potential points and a fine', adding: 'However this all comes down to many different factors. The decision is made by our Traffic Justice Unit shared by Norfolk and Suffolk police based on the evidence put in front of them.'

Norfolk Constabulary asks drivers consult the government's guidance on loading and securing, which can be found online at www.gov.uk/government/publications/load-securing-vehicle-operator-guidance.