Results from a week-long campaign targeting drivers coming in and out of a Norfolk village have revealed a poor level of compliance.

A speed recording device called Minute Man tracked motorists as they came in and out of Ormesby St Margaret in December.

From a lay-by near the church it clocked close to 21,000 vehicles.

Of those 16,641 were travelling within or just over the 30mph speed limit.

People entering the village were likely to be going faster than those leaving.

The highest recorded speed was 44.6mph at 5am on Friday coming into Ormesby.

David Law, traffic management officer with Norfolk Police, said in his report: 'The results showed levels of compliance were well below that expected for this limit in one direction and just below expectations in the other.

'Ninety per cent is considered an acceptable level of compliance, and this shows the limit is not effective in one direction.'

The data has been used to suggest enforcement periods for Yarmouth Road.