Head of People and Wildlife at Norfolk Wildlife Trust, David North, suggests taking a break this June by spending 30 Days Wild.

Do you like holidays? Silly question, as most of us love the freedom and new experiences that a holiday brings. So how would you like

to enjoy a mini-break every day in June? And all for free!

Well, let me invite you on a journey of exploration this June which will cost you nothing apart from a few hours of your time. Norfolk Wildlife Trust is offering you the opportunity to take a mini-break every day for 30 days in June and your holiday can take you to a place where you can experience natural wonders, see great mysteries for yourself and enjoy truly amazing wildlife. You can bring your friends and family too.

We can offer adventure breaks with exciting journeys to wild spaces, health and wellbeing breaks for those who prefer relaxation, or learning and discovery breaks for those who like finding out more about local wildlife and heritage. Or you could consider an active volunteering break where you get hands-on helping wildlife with a conservation activity.

June is a time rich in bird song, colourful wild flowers, heady evening scents, the humming of bees and fluttering of butterflies: nature at its most vibrant. Our 30 Days Wild mini-breaks can all be taken close to home so don't worry about travel costs!

Sound good? The Wildlife Trusts are encouraging people across Britain to take just a few moments each day in June to open our eyes, ears and hearts to the nature all around us.

You can find our more at www.wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild

or join #30dayswild on social media. And what better place to take your mini-break than in Norfolk where nature is literally all around us.

To help you take part we are providing a wonderful free 30 Days Wild guide with lots of suggestions for activities and free 'holiday' resources for individuals, families, schools and children.

To get your free pack register at www.wildlifetrusts.org/30dayswild

Here's 10 ideas to get you started....

Here are just a few taster ideas to try:

1 Find a spider's web covered in dew

2 Plant wildflower seeds

3 Take part in a beach clean

4 Visit a nature reserve or simply walk slowly in a wild space

5 Help nature in your garden or in your local community – everyone can help in small ways

6 Connect with the sacred in nature: sit quietly outdoors, still your thoughts, breathe deeply and experience the present moment

7 Find wildlife, peace and tranquillity in a Norfolk churchyard – churchyards can be havens for wildflowers, butterflies and bees and are beautiful places to spend a few quiet moments

8 Be an early bird - get up really early and watch the sunrise

9 Watch a sunset and see the sky change colour

10 Take a few minutes on a clear night to pop outside and star watch – somewhere away from artificial lights is best