One reader offers some interesting diet advice for those suffering with ear problems.

Seeing a reader's experience of how they dealt with their diabetes through a change of diet prompted me to share with other readers of my encounter to deal with tinnitus and catarrhal deafness.

Many years ago I suffered a devastating bout of tinnitus accompanied with deafness. I went to my GP who prescribed the usual anti-catarrhal medicine which didn't work. I was told there was nothing more I could do — until I found a self help book which described my symptoms.

It suggested a fast for 48 hours and a total withdrawal of dairy foods. Difficult I know, but totally worth it if you are suffering badly enough. I was able to completely recover from the noise in my ear and deafness which the medical profession had dismissed as incurable.

I am not saying this is a cure for all tinnitus sufferers but for those who have catarrhal deafness with tinnitus this does work with restricted diet.