I would like to express my opposition to the proposal to build the NDR through the Wensum valley.

The River Wensum was given Special Area of Conservation (SAC) status as part of the EU Habitats Directive which was adopted in May 1992. Special Areas of Conservation were set up to give a high level of protection to Europe's rarest flora and fauna and habitat type.

The River Wensum became a SAC because it is one of the best whole rivers of its type in England. It is a naturally-enriched calcareous lowland river with over 100 species of riverine plants, with rich invertebrate fauna and a relatively natural corridor.

Species of conversation interest are white-clawed crayfish, water vole, brown trout, brook lamprey, otter, bittern and many more.

The water of the River Wensum is usually clear and it is possible to see a great many fish, water plants, dragonflies and damselflies.

The River Tud a tributary of the Wensum is equally important containing the same species, this would also be traversed.

The River Wensum also supplies some of the drinking water for Norwich which is taken from the river at Costessey pits which is just down stream from where the NDR would cross.

If the NDR was to go through the Wensum and Tud valleys it would be disastrous for this ecosystem causing noise, pollution and would ruin an area of great beauty which many people enjoy. There are public footpaths in Ringland in the area where the road would go, if anyone would like to visit.

With the controversy on how much money the road has cost so far and Norfolk County Council keeping the public in the dark about the over spend. With further cutbacks in social care and the police force, is it not time to call a halt to this plan and spend the money saved on public services.