Links between Attleborough and north London have been strengthened after a school visit.

Attleborough High School and Sixth Form Centre's assistant headteacher Carmina McConnell visited schools in London with the aim of developing links with other schools in very different cultural and geographical contexts.

The visit began with research into the education processes and everyday life at Ambler School in Finsbury Park, London, to explore ways students from Attleborough High School and an urban London school could share their learning.

During the visit a further possible link with 13 Islington schools was also explored.

Mrs McConnell then visited a school in south London to observe a learning project in practice - the Cognitive Acceleration Programme – and met with London education advisors to consider Attleborough's involvement with the project.

She said: 'The aim is to extend the educational experience of our students by exploring very different environmental, cultural and educational contexts of other schools in the country. There is also the potential for involving Attleborough High in some new and exceedingly interesting educational projects being carried out in London. The link with Ambler is the first stage in creating opportunities for students to share their experiences and learn from each other.'